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Yellow Box

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<operating system> Apple Computer, Inc.'s new development platform for building desktop, server, and web applications. Yellow Box is a rich object-oriented environment that is tightly integrated with Java and allows you to deploy applications across five platforms: Rhapsody, Rhapsody for Intel, Windows 95, Windows NT, and Mac OS. All Yellow Box-based products are an evolution of OpenStep - an operating system-independent, object-oriented application platform from NeXT.

Integrating the cross-platform robustness of OpenStep with Apple's market-leading digital media and graphics technologies will differentiate the Yellow Box from other development platforms.

"Yellow Box for Windows" is the run-time software (implemented as dynamically linked libraries) that allows Yellow Box applications to run under Windows 95 and Windows NT. Applications that use it will feature a full native Windows user interface.



Nearby terms: Yellow Book « Yellow Book CD-ROM « Yellow Book, Jargon « Yellow Box » Yellow Pages » yellow wire » Yerk

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